Information for Champions
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Dear Champion,
We are so happy that you have chosen to support your student on their academic journey! As a champion, you may be a family member, friend, mentor, or simply someone who has a student's best interest in mind. Below, please find answers to some common questions regarding student enrollment, as well as some helpful resources. We also have contact information if you wish to speak with someone in person.
Once again, we are overjoyed that you are willing to help support your student emotionally, physically, and potentially fiscally! We hope that through the following information and support you come to understand why San Antonio College is a first-choice institution ranked one of the top ten community colleges in the nation.
Common Terms
Below, please find some typical terms you and your student may run into when going through the enrollment process:
- AlamoPROMISE - A last dollar scholarship opportunity which ensures student's tuition will be covered.
- Application - The first step to becoming a SAC student is filling out a college application through
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid - A form submitted to the federal government to apply for various types of financial aid including scholarships, grants, and loans.
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal law that protects the privacy of students.
- FTIC - First time in college student. A student that has not previously been in college. Dual-enrollment students are still considered FTIC.
- TSI Test - A test taken by incoming college students that allows us to place students in English and math courses that correspond best to a student's skill level. This test cannot be failed and does not affect GPA.
Due to FERPA regulations, Enrollment Coaches and Specialists cannot give parents information on their child's enrollment process, course schedule, grades, or financial aid status.
We understand that this can be troubling, especially when you, the parent, may be funding your child's education. Even so, federal regulations and guidelines must be met by our institution.
If your child is willing, they may waive their FERPA writes allowing us to speak to and release their information to you. This waiver must be signed and turned in by your child. Find the link to the waiver below.
More information concerning FERPA
Link for FERPA waiver
Turn in waivers to:
Alamo Promise
The AlamoPROMISE program makes college more accessible to graduating seniors by providing the support necessary to earn a certificate or associate's degree at one of the five Alamo Colleges: Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip's College. Alamo Promise is last dollar funding, meaning it will kick in after all other scholarships and grants have been used.
For more information on Alamo Promise, click here!
The FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form submitted to the federal government to apply for various types of financial aid including scholarships, grants, and loans. If a student is wishing to recieve financial aid, it is necessary to complete this form.
Please note, to complete this form the student will need tax information from 2 years prior to the academic year for which they are applying.
TSI Test
The TSI or Texas Success Initiatve Test is a test the Alamo Colleges uses to place students in English and math courses appropriate to the students level. All incoming students are required to take the TSI unless they have already taken the SAT/ACT and have passing scores, have taken and passed a college level English and/or math class, or have met one of the other qualifying test waivers.
For more information on or to take the test, please look to the link below! The Assessment Office's contact is also listed on their page in case you need to have the TSI hold removed!
Click here to visit the Assessment Office's page!
SAC Facts and Enrollment Information
For enrollment information, please either watch the video below or check out the link to our enrollment page. On the link, you can see our enrollment checklist, as well as take a virtual tour of the campus.
For the SAC enrollment page, click here!
Or browse our degree, transfer, and certificate programs here!
Need Help?
We have enrollment coaches ready to help you complete the steps to enroll.
- Email the Office of Outreach and Recruitment at
- Call us at (210) 212-5266 to speak with an enrollment specialist.
- Visit us at the Virtual Welcome Center on Zoom, Monday-Friday 10am-5pm: